Regarding your user data

This app will visualise your organisational units from the Google Admin Console (using the Directory API directory.orgunit.readonly).

organizational units - overview

This tool simplifies the way how Chromebook Administrators can manage their policies and offers three main features: Importing, Exporting and Editing existing policies. Therefore the app will read policies (.management.policy.readonly) but also modify/write policies (.management.policy.readonly). There's no other way to use a more limited scope for this use case.

These API namespaces are the available in this version:

chrome.users.* | chrome.users.apps.* | chrome.users.appsconfig.* | chrome.devices.* | chrome.devices.kiosk.* | chrome.devices.managedguest.* | chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.* | chrome.devices.kiosk.appsconfig.* | chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.* | chrome.networks.wifi.* | chrome.networks.ethernet.* | chrome.networks.vpns.* | chrome.networks.certificates.* | chrome.networks.globalsettings.*

All API calls will happen between your Chrome tab and the Google APIs. There's no middleware, framework or any 3rd party library involved - all requests happen in the browser sandbox. This app can be used with your own client ID if you like. All data (access token + app settings) will be stored in the local storage of the browser. Therefore, no data can be stored anywhere else.