Pluto Privacy Policy

This Policy explains how your personal data may be processed when you visit and use the Pluto Policy Manager DEMO app.

Data controller

According to, the“Data Controller” determines the purposes of any personal data and the means of processing it. As the Pluto Policy Manager DEMO app does not collect ANY data, we also don’t have any official data protection officer and are no Data Controller as we have no control of the procedures and purpose of data usage.

What we (do not) collect

We have built this app so that we do not collect any data from visitors for any purpose. Our only interests are informing you about our organization, enabling you to contact us and maintaining the security of the website, therefore:

Information security

The Pluto Policy Manager DEMO app exclusively runs locally in the user’s browser tab and does not require any kind of middleware, server, or centralized storage. Therefore, no data can be stored anywhere else than in the local sandbox of the user’s browser.

Social media

We don’t use any social media.

Changes and revisions

We may update this Policy in the future. We will maintain an accessible record of any such changes.
Policy published on April 21st 2022